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‘Listen, acknowledge, be grounded. Respond with embodied precision.’

Is the way I connect with horses

We all have a threshold. Everything on oneside of the threshold is comfortable, easy & we are happy to stay here all day as it’s all predictable & we understand.

On the other side of the threshold we have the unknown, the uncertainty, the unpredictable, the fear.

When teaching a horse something new we must deliver confidence from what he already understands at the same time allowing him to be brave enough to explore into the unknown.

At this point we must reward the horse for his efforts no matter how minor we perceive them to be.

For in time this will be the advancement in his education.


The SAS Equestrian Training Scale

Most training methods begin with a focus on where the horse is needing improvement and that may be the case. However my experience shows me that it all begins within the hands of the human that is looking after the horse.

Instead of beginning where the horse has the perceived training issue, imagine a method that both emotionally & mentally prepares the human with the calm leadership qualities, that are required to train the horse.


It is my mission to help humans not only understand their horses but more importantly understand the impact that human behaviour has on our much loved equines.


10 of the most common training issue’s:

1. How can I teach my horse to lead calmly?

2. Why won’t my horse walk onto the float?

3. Why does my horse become stressed & agitated when I take him away from other horses?

4. I’m so nervous around my horse, how can I build my confidence?

5. I’ve had a nasty accident involving my horse, how do I overcome this?

6. Why does my horse run away from me when I’m trying to catch him?

7. How can I improve on my skills & ability around riding?

8. I’m fearful of the canter how can I overcome this?

9. My horse knows that I am frightened and now it’s a vicious cycle! Help?

10. How do I teach my horse to be a reliable & safe trail horse?

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